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No, but you would have to agree to raise the children as Catholic.

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Q: Marrying a Catholic would you have to convert or not?
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Does a Lutheran man have to convert to Catholicism when marrying a Catholic Puerto Rican woman?

No, he does not have to convert. However, he must agree to allow their children to be raised as Catholics.

Why did protestants in Ireland in the 1600s think they would be marrying beneath their station if they married a Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerBecause of prejudice.

What if a Catholic marries a non Catholic?

There is no law preventing a Catholic marrying a non catholic.

Did you have to convert to Catholicism if you were Church of England to marry a Catholic in Catholic Church in 1891?

You would not have to convert but you would have to agree that any children be raised as Catholics.

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No. You would be Greek Orthodox then.

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She has to convert.

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Regardless of who they are marrying, Catholics are obligated by their religion to be married in a Catholic Church by a Catholic priest.

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Can you marry a Catholic if you are a born again Christian?

Catholics may only marry other Catholics. In the event of a Catholic falling in love with a non-Catholic, the usual recourse is for the non-Catholic to attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). This is an excellent course for the non-Catholic to learn about the faith into which they are marrying, even if they do not convert. Should they decide not to convert, then the Catholic must receive special permission from the Bishop along with certain assurances. It is always best if the non-Catholic can convert, marriage can be difficult in the best of times, and it certainly helps if both the spouses are on the same page with regard to religion, raising the children, being open to life, etc.

Christian women have to convert to mArry a Muslim man?

No, is not compulsory that they convert before marrying a Muslim man.

Why was Charles 1 marriage a problem?

Charles 1, Was a protestant, But She was a catholic.

How does a Christian convert to Catholicism in England?

i would go into a catholic church and ask the priest about it