

Massachusetts colony is now called what?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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You're kidding right? Massachusetts...

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Q: Massachusetts colony is now called what?
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It was originally called the River Colony before it became a royal colony and just became the Colony of Connecticut.

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Massachusetts Bay Colony;Roger Williams got expelled then founded the colony what now is called Rhode Island.

When was Massachusetts colony founded?

The Massachusetts Colony was founded in 1620 by the Puritans.

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The Pilgrims settled in what is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts. Eventually the settlement would be considered the colony of Massachusetts.

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What kinds of people lived in the colony of Massachusetts?

Slaves lived in Massachusetts. I don't know much else.

Is Massachusetts bay colony in Massachusetts?

The Mass. bay colony is what MA was called while America was still owned by England.

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During the colonial period, what is now Maine was part of Massachusetts, making Massachusetts the northern most colony.

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The northernmost colony in the American was Massachusetts. At the time, the colony included the area that is now Maine.

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the first English settlement was the Massachusetts Bay Colony

What is a non example of colony?

well the answer to that is Massachusetts because it used to be a colony but now its not. so that is the answer to that but that was kind of confusing if you think about it

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It was part of Massachusetts, called the Massachusetts Bay Colony.