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Q: Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear?
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What is non-myelinated nerve fiber?

a nerve fiber that lacks the fatty myelin insulating sheath. Such fibers form the gray matter of the nervous system, as distinguished from the white matter of myelinated fibers. Also called nonmedullated nerve fiber.

Are nerve fibers in ascending tracts myelinated?

If I was paying attention in med school, I think... The pre-ganglionic fibers are myelinated and the post-ganglionic are unmyelinated. This is in reference to the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Portion of the brainstem composed of myelinated nerve fibers that connects to the cerebellum?


What does white matter contain?

The white matter consist of myelinated nerve fibers.

What is the difference in transmission between myelinated and unmyelinated fibers?

Impulse transmission on an unmyelinated nerve fiber is much slower than the impulse transmission on a myelinated nerve fiber.

What substance slows the message passing from the brain to the rest of the body?

Unmyelinated nerve fibers are slower than myelinated nerve fibers. The fibers covered by myelin are much faster.

Does the white rami communicans contain fibers of a preganglionic or postganglionic neurons?

Preganglionic because they are myelinated. FALSE

The velocity of nerve impulse conduction is greatest in?

Heavily myelinated, large diameter fibers

What fibers are the most rapid nerve impulses conducted on?

These are nerves in animals. They include central and peripheral; peripheral include somatic and autonomic.

White matter of the spinal cord?

it is the substance surrounding the gray matter. It is also composed of myelinated nerve fibers and makes up nerve pathways called tracts.

Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

Yes. Myelinated fibers have a myelin sheath around them which keeps the impulse from scattering and on a direct path. This makes the impulse travel faster than unmyelinated fibers.

How long is a matured man's nerve?

The length of a matured man's nerve varies from one nerve to another, for instance, the myelinated nerve fibers in brain are about 150,000 km.