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Q: Mate-attracting features such as the bright plumage of a male peacock result from?
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What are the evolutionary advantages of a sign stimulus?

A sign stimulus is a simple features of a more complex stimuli that produced predictable results of an organism. The bright plumage and magnificent tail of a peacock is a good example of a sign stimulus as it helps the peacock to attract a peahen.

What appearance a peacock make?

A peacock (male) make use of bright coloured plumage, and fans its long tail feathers, shivering them to attract a rather drab coloured peahen (female) in order to mate.

What are six words that describe a fantail?

Insectivorous, Small, Hunched, Rounded, Bright Plumage, and graceful.

Scientific name of the peacock butterfly?

The Indian Peacock: Pavo cristatus; The Green Peacock: Pavo muticus; and the Congo Peacock, Afropavo congensisThe Indian peacock is bright blue blue, the green peacock is bright green, and the congo peacock is dark green.

What characteristics do wood peckers have?

They are climbing birds, with bright coloured plumage and have a strong chisel-like bill, with which it bores into trees for insects.

What animals have bright colors for attracting a mate?

Birds, reptiles and amphibians, fish.

What is the distinguishing features of the parrot?

Bright colors are some distinguishing features of the parrot.

What does a Phoenix look like?

a giant flaming birdA phoenix is a great fiery red bird with sparkling eyes. When it becomes old it burns, then a new Phoenix is born from the ashes. Its tears have healing powers, and it will help all those loyal to its master.It has colourfull plumage with a tail of gold or scarlet. In some mythological stories the tail can be green, blue or purple. It is a bird of great beauty and can live over 500 years in the wildernessA phoenix looks like a flight-worthy peacock with around 3 to 7 large tail feathers like the eye shaped ones on a peacock. It also has fire coloured plumage (Bright reds, oranges and yellows) and is usually seen on fire.

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What is the name of the colorful peacock?

All male peacocks (which are actually called peacocks--females are called peahens) are bright and colourful.

What bird has blue and green feathers?

The Blue Jay has a bright blue crest along with blue, white, and black plumage. These birds have a noisy call and are known for being intelligent.

Dazzle Admirers in a Peacock Costume?

Peacocks are among the most beautiful birds in the world. Their large, colorful feathers not only catch the eye of potential mates, they awe everyone who looks at them. The iridescent sheen is impressive to behold. A peacock is like a walking rainbow. If you want to dress as a peacock, the tail feathers are the most important part, since that is what everyone notices about a peacock. To start off with, you should find an outfit of deep, rich blue to represent the body of the peacock. This shade of blue is astounding and beautiful, and you may have a difficult time matching it exactly, but just try to find a very attractive color of blue that is fairly deep. You can also make something if you are the crafty type. It's better if you are, since you will probably need to make the tail unless you can find a peacock tail in a costume shop. The tail of a peacock is wide when he is strutting to show off his plumage to whoever cares to see it. The feathers are bright green with spots on the end that resemble eyes. These big dots are bright blue with a smaller splotch of purplish-blue inside. Outside of the blue, it's brown, and outside of that is a teardrop shape of green. The best way to really display a peacock tail is to get ahold of some actual peacock feathers and attach them to a hard surface like cardboard to give them stability. If you can't find any real feathers, however, you can present the general look of a peacock tail by painting cardboard bright green and filling in the multi-colored spots or sewing a tail that has a similar pattern and rigging it up so that it resembles a tail. A peacock, first and foremost, needs to be extremely colorful, so the actual colors used may not be as important as the vibrance of the colors that are selected. Still, if you can incorporate lots of blue and green into your costume, you will be more easily recognizable as that stately bird that seems to get such a thrill out of showing off.