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Q: Materials that allow electrons to move easily from atom to atom are called?
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Materials that allow energy to flow easily through it are called conductors.

Materials that do not allow electrical charges to pass through it easily are called?

Those are called insulators.

Materials that don't allow electrons to flow freely are called?

They are called "insulators" and include such materials as glass, rubber, plastic, nylon, dry wood, ceramic, air, etc.

What does not allow electrons to move easily?

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What are materials that allow electrons to move through them easily?

A conductor. Most metals are conductors-they enable electrons to move freely through them, carrying an electrical charge. Most non-metals (notably excluding graphite, an isotope of carbon) are insulators which means that they do not allow an electrical charge to be carried through them.

What items are insulators and conductor?

Conductors are materials that allow electrons to flow easily through it. Metals are the best examples of conductors. Insulators to the opposite; they don't like letting their electrons flow. Glass, rubber, and wood are some examples of insulators.

What is a material that allows electrons to flow easily through it?

Anything that is classified as a conductor will allow the flow of electrons.