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Q: Matlab code for filters using LMS algorithm?
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How do you make graph from an equation in Matlab?

Initially, the equation can be directly realized using Matlab source code. Then various inputs can be applied to it. These values can easily be plotted on a graph using plot or stem command in Matlab.

How do you modulate in matlab without using matlab tools?

You would have to write your own code for a modulation (Matlab has a convolution function not in the tools), otherwise you can use its built in function in the signal processing toolbox.

Gram schmidt matlab code for orthonormalizing set of vectors?

gram schmidt matlab code

MATLAB code for FIR filter design in rectangular window using genetic algorithm?

Here is an example MATLAB code for designing an FIR filter with a rectangular window using a genetic algorithm: % Define the desired filter specifications Fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency Fc = 100; % Cutoff frequency N = 51; % Filter order % Define the fitness function for the genetic algorithm fitnessFunc = @(x) designFIR(x, Fs, Fc); % Define the genetic algorithm options options = optimoptions('ga', 'Display', 'iter', 'MaxGenerations', 100); % Run the genetic algorithm to find the optimal filter coefficients [x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunc, N, options); % Design the FIR filter using the obtained coefficients filter = fir1(N-1, x); % Plot the frequency response of the designed filter freqz(filter, 1, 1024, Fs); In the above code, designFIR is a user-defined function that evaluates the fitness of an FIR filter design based on its frequency response. The genetic algorithm is then used to optimize the filter coefficients to meet the desired specifications. Finally, the designed filter is plotted using the freqz function.

How do you implement svm algorithm in matlab?

There is a lot of information on the net about SVMs, and some matlab toolboxes contain the implemented code (i.e. SPIDER). Also look into "svmclassify and svmtrain" on matlab which seems to be a part of the Bioinformatics Toolbox. You can find good tutorials on VC Dimension and SVMs at If you want to look at some brief matlab code, check out: Technical Report: "Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression" by Steve R. Gunn from the University of Southampton (1998).

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How do you make graph from an equation in Matlab?

Initially, the equation can be directly realized using Matlab source code. Then various inputs can be applied to it. These values can easily be plotted on a graph using plot or stem command in Matlab.

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How do you modulate in matlab without using matlab tools?

You would have to write your own code for a modulation (Matlab has a convolution function not in the tools), otherwise you can use its built in function in the signal processing toolbox.

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MATLAB code for FIR filter design in rectangular window using genetic algorithm?

Here is an example MATLAB code for designing an FIR filter with a rectangular window using a genetic algorithm: % Define the desired filter specifications Fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency Fc = 100; % Cutoff frequency N = 51; % Filter order % Define the fitness function for the genetic algorithm fitnessFunc = @(x) designFIR(x, Fs, Fc); % Define the genetic algorithm options options = optimoptions('ga', 'Display', 'iter', 'MaxGenerations', 100); % Run the genetic algorithm to find the optimal filter coefficients [x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunc, N, options); % Design the FIR filter using the obtained coefficients filter = fir1(N-1, x); % Plot the frequency response of the designed filter freqz(filter, 1, 1024, Fs); In the above code, designFIR is a user-defined function that evaluates the fitness of an FIR filter design based on its frequency response. The genetic algorithm is then used to optimize the filter coefficients to meet the desired specifications. Finally, the designed filter is plotted using the freqz function.

How do you implement svm algorithm in matlab?

There is a lot of information on the net about SVMs, and some matlab toolboxes contain the implemented code (i.e. SPIDER). Also look into "svmclassify and svmtrain" on matlab which seems to be a part of the Bioinformatics Toolbox. You can find good tutorials on VC Dimension and SVMs at If you want to look at some brief matlab code, check out: Technical Report: "Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression" by Steve R. Gunn from the University of Southampton (1998).

Code for circular convolution matlab?

Please check the help files of the matlab circular convolution . Matlab already has a readymade function for it.

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Does matlab talk?

Yes, it is possible to make matlab talk in Windows using a simple program that can be downloaded here: If you are using a mac, or unix then there may be other ways to make matlab talk, but the basic code will be quite similar. Have fun. Ed

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