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Unicode allows 17 "planes" of 2^16 characters. Thus, Unicode characters range from U+0000 to U+10FFFF - a total of 17 * 2^16 or 1,114,112 code points.

As of Unicode 5.0.0, 102,012 actual characters have been assigned to code points.

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Q: Maximum number of character that can be represented by unicode?
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What is the maximum number of words you can type in the Microsoft Word?

There is no limit on words, but on characters. Depending on the character set you are using, each character is represented by 8 or 16 units of information, generally. If you have a 64-bit computer, it can handle, I believe, 4,294,967,296 (4.29 billion) characters in a standard character set such as Unicode-8.

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EBCIDIC (Extended BCD Interchange Code)Unicode

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How do you unicode TM?

By copying and pasting this:™™ is Unicode character x0099 [that's a hexadecimal number, hence the x]. Unfortunately whilst Unicode standardises the character set itself, there seems to be no standard way to type such characters using a keyboard - it depends upon your operating system, your settings therein, and your application (and the application's version).Good resources:Finding Unicode characters: to type the character: side-bar add-on for Firefox:

What is unicode encoding scheme?

Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that assigns a unique number to every character in many different languages and scripts, allowing for consistent representation of text across different systems and applications. It supports a vast range of characters and symbols, making it essential for internationalization and multilingual support in software development.

Character use only one byte why Java use two byte for character?

The number of bytes used by a character varies from language to language. Java uses a 16-bit (two-byte) character so that it can represent many non-Latin characters in the Unicode character set.

What is maximum number that can be represented by integer?

An integer is any whole number. For example, 4, 16, -8 are all integers. There is no decimal part. Obviously, there is no "maximum number" as these numbers continue up to infinity.

How do you type a schwa on a us keyboard using the windows OS?

To type ə, hold down the Alt key and type 0601 on the number pad.Ensure that numlock is on. You must use the number pad and not the numbers across the top of the keyboard.This is a unicode character and will not display properly in all contexts. For example, it works in Wordpad, but not in Notepad.If you are having trouble getting this to work, you can launch the Windows "Character Map". On my system it is located at "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools" (this may vary with different versions of Windows).In the Character Map, locate the Schwa symbol, you may then select it, and copy it for pasting someplace else.Also you notice, when the Schwa is selected in the Character Map, the status bar reads U+0259. 259 is the Unicode number for this symbol in hexadecimal. 0x259 converted into decimal is 601, which is the code typed on the number pad. This can be used to type any Unicode character, if you are using an application that supports Unicode.

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Which encoder creates ASCII?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character-encoding scheme that was standardised in 1963. There is no encoder required to create ASCII. Every machine supports it as standard, although some implement it via UNICODE. The only difference is in the number of bytes used to represent each character. The default is one byte per character yielding 128 standard encodings that map exactly with the first 128 characters in UNICODE encoding.

How do you type the symbol ツ with your keyboard?

The "Ariel Unicode MS" font "ARIALUNI.TTF" version 1.01 or similar Unicode facsimile is required. Microsofts version is only legally available through their products. There are open source & GNU Unicode font types however. The character ツ is Unicode, It's Unicode value is 30C4 It's Decimal value is 12484 In windows, ideally one would hold alt and type Using their number-pad for everything but the [c] key in the following: +30C4. However a registry setting is required. There are also other alternatives for those who use laptops or keyboards without number pads. Please note, not every program or text entry field supports the input of Unicode characters. In many cases a "?" or a " " (or nothing at all) will be displayed when entering a Unicode character into a text field that does not support it. One way to check is to copy and paste the character into the program or text field, if visible, you will likely be capable of typing it into the program should you have a sufficient method to do so. On Windows XP Pro I was able to type the symbol, by holding an [Alt] key, pressing the number-pad [+] key, followed by number-pad [3], number-pad [0], keyboard [c], number-pad [4] then releasing the [Alt] key. This required that my Regestry contained the following information: in [ HKEY_Current_User/Control Panel/Input Method, ] Name: "EnableHexNumpad", Type: "REG_SZ", Data: "1".

Which standard is used to represent all characters including foreign language characters?

The Unicode standard is used to represent all characters, including foreign language characters. It provides a unique number for every character, regardless of platform, program, or language. This allows for consistent encoding and representation of text across different systems.