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8 electrons. Can be found from the formula 2n2. Where n=the number of the energy level. The number of electrons in the second shell is very important to remember however, because it provides for the octet rule of bonding that almost all elements conform to. Elements wish to have 8 electrons in their outer shell, making the Noble Gases unreactive, and providing for the charges, or oxidation states, of all elements that determine how they bond. Davey.

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2w ago

The maximum number of electrons that can fit in an atom's second energy level is 8. This is because the second energy level can hold a total of 8 electrons, with 2 electrons in the first orbital and 6 electrons in the second orbital.

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Q: Maxuimn of electrons that can fit in an atoms second energy level?
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An atoms second energy level can hold up to how many electrons?

Maximum of 8 electrons in second energy level.

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The second energy level of atoms can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.

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Carbon is an element whose atoms contain 4 electrons in the second energy level.

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Oxygen atoms contain exactly two unpaired electrons. This is because oxygen has 6 total electrons, with 2 in the first energy level and 4 in the second. Two of the electrons in the second energy level are unpaired.

How many atoms can he second energy level hold?

2s^2 2p^6 8 electrons total

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The second principal energy level can hold a maximum of 8 electrons in total. This is because the second level consists of one s orbital and three p orbitals, which can hold 2 electrons each.

What is the maxium of numbers in a second energy level?

if you're talking about atoms, 8 electrons can sit in the second energy level. two sit in the 2s orbital and 6 in the 2p orbital.

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The sharing of electrons in the outer energy levels of two atoms is called bonding.

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Helium and neon will have their outer energy level filled with two electrons. Helium has 2 electrons in its only energy level, while neon has 8 electrons in its second energy level.