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Q: May 5th is the anniversary of Alan Shepard being the first American in space What year did this happen?
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May 5th is the anniversary of Alan Shepard being the first American in space How many years ago did this happen?

first astronaut to go int space 1961 so this was 54 years ago when this happened

How many years are celebrated by a pearl anniversary?

It depends upon the 'listing' being used. All of them seem to agree that the 20th Anniversary is represented by the Pearl. Some lists also include the 12th Anniversary as being Pearl.

Is there a symbol for 125th anniversary?

There is no anniversary symbol for a Sesquicentennial. I suppose simply being alive would be gift enough.

What breed is most popular for being a guide dogs?

I would say german shepard

What is Alan B Shepherd Jr famous for?

Alan Shepard is most famous for being the second person and the first American in space. He was also fifth person to walk on the moon.He was the first American man to enter space and later walked on the moon as commander of Apollo 14.

Why did General Shepard betray task force 141?

Tecnically, this question was never answered. But we can make conclusions that shepard wanted all the credit for what Task Force 141. Shepard said something earlier in the game about being a war hero, so its possible that Shepard wanted this. There are also clues that General Shepard was working with Makorov, hence the fact that they were able to find the Gulag that Price was in. In return, shepard would feed false info to Task Force 141 about where Makorov was at.

What is the proper name of a Catholic Priests 50th Anniversary?

.Catholic AnswerThe 50th anniversary of a priest being ordained is referred to as his Golden Jubilee.

What year did America have its Bicentennial?

1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. 1987 would also work, that being the 200th anniversary of the Constitution.

What should you get your bf for your 2 month anniversary?

Being in a relationship for two months isn't an anniversary, as that means yearly. Anni means yearly.

How many puppies can a german shepard have?

Normal is considered 5-10, with average being 9, 5F/4M.

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The other scientists would mock and criticize him. Accuse him of being an American hold-out.

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The majority of children being born will be nonwhite