Password - go puke username - riley templin asasasasas
username: dogsrule001 password:dogsr
Is a spelling
Yes they can . Is it legal ? Yes. Will they give it to you? Probraly not !
My username is- LikeIwouldGiveITToYOU My password is- scamSOM1else
not while your on wizard 101 but they can give it to you from youtube
Username benetollope Password q7654321
You can tell your username and password to anyone you want, but it is not the wisest thing to do. You have them for a reason. That reason is to keep your account secure so you are the only one who has access to it. If you mean "Can someone give you their username and password to use yourself?" Most people wouldn't, so you need to create your own account.
username & password of presentermedia
You just lost your account. Sorry, but you shouldn't give anyone your password, much less on a public site. (Answer Provided By Little Bird)
username: Geta password: Girlfriend
my username is my username razorcoolsuperman and my password is asdfghjkl