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Q: McCarthy started an investigation of the?
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What ultimately happened to Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigation on communists in the US?

Senator Joseph McCarthy investigation of communists in the US government and in the entertainment business ultimately came to an end when the US Congress censured him. His investigative tactics were judged to be extreme and President Eisenhower agreed with the censure.

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How did the army-mccarthy hearings lead to mccarthy's downfall?

Because McCarthy had a phat ole boner on television.

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What happened to Senator Joseph McCarthy investigation on alleged communist infiltration of armed forces?

The investigation conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy on alleged communist infiltration of the armed forces eventually lost support and credibility. McCarthy's tactics and reckless accusations led to public backlash, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954. This event marked the decline of McCarthy's influence and marked the beginning of his downfall.

What did senator McCarthy do in the 1950's?

Senator McCarthy started blaming people to be communist. He would blame people who would go against him. But people wouldn't fight McCarthy because they were afraid of them.

Can you give me a sentence using the word investigation?

The FBI started their investigation.

When did McCarthy witch hunts begin?

McCarthy's charges of communist spies in the State Department started what has been called the McCarthy Witch Hunt in February of 1950.

How did Eisenhower end McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army?

Eisenhower ended McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army by allowing a televised Senate hearing where Army counsel Joseph Welch famously asked McCarthy, "Have you no sense of decency?" This marked a turning point in public opinion against McCarthy and contributed to his eventual downfall. Eisenhower did not directly intervene but allowed the process to play out and let public sentiment turn against McCarthy.

What television reporter demonstrated that senor McCarthy was unfair in his investigation of Americans he thought might be communists?

edward r. murrow

Who started the backlash against senator McCarthy?

Margaret Chase Smith

What happens at a fire investigation?

At a fire investigation there will be tried to find out where the fire has started and there will be investigated what caused the fire. Experts can tell by the traces how the fire spread and how it started.