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Say something that will scare them like if they touch you say " touch me again and I'll skin you alive with a cheese grater" but this doesn't always work. If they say something rude to you a remark suck as " Some people were dropped on their heads as baby's obviously you were thrown in the air hit a ceiling fan slammed against the wall than fell on your head!" Hope these work or helped :)

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Q: Means things to say to someone you hate?
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because words mean things. if you say nice things to someone, it means something nice. if you say mean things, then its mean HOPE THIS HELPS :)

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The reason somebody that loves someone say i hate you. that means in my mind i hate how much i love you.. sometimes they say it just cause they just don't love each other no longer. ~Brianna Ward 12 years old..

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of course its not but if you say i hate you it might hurt someone's feelings

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walk up to them, say i thought you should know, i hate you. its that easy.there is no "nice" way to hate