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1/4 cup

1 pound has 16 ounces, which is two cups. Each cup has 8 ounces. 4 ounces is 1/2 cup. 2 ounces is 1/4 cup.

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Q: Measure 2 ounces of powdered sugar out of 1 pound box?
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How many ounces are in one pound of powdered sugar?

There would be 16 ounces in a pound of anything.

What quantity is a Box of powdered sugar?

I believe they are 1 pound boxes

How many ounces are in a 1 lb box of powdered sugar?

A one pound box of anything has 16 ounces.

How much powdered sugar should you measure to equal 1 Lb?

A pound is a weight measure, not a volume measure. So you would just pour the powdered sugar into a container on a scale to come up to one pound (allowing for the container), or just buy/obtain a one-pound box.

Get 2 ounces of powdered sugar out of 1 pound box?

A pound is 16 oz, so that's 8 x 2 oz.

How many cups are in 1 lb of powder sugar?

The answer to how many cups are in one pound of powdered sugar will vary depending on if your powdered sugar is sifted or unsifted. In general: 1 pound = 3 1/2 to 4 cups unsifted powdered sugar. 1 pound = 4 1/2 cups sifted powered sugar.

How many cups powder sugar is a pound?

There is about two cups of powdered sugar in a pound. It depends on how firmly it is packed and what the moisture is.. Traditionally, there are 8 ounces in a cup and 16 ounces in a pound.

Cups of sugar in one pound? 1 pound = 2.255556278906 cup [US]Confectionary: 1 pound = 3.485859703764 cup [US]Granulated: 1 pound = 2.366941774161 cup [US]Powdered: 1 pound = 3.485859703764 cup [US]

How many cups are in thirty-two ounces of powdered sugar?

There are eight ounces, by volume, in a cup. Therefore 32 ounces of powdered sugar, by volume, equals 4 cups.

How many cups in a pound powdered sugar?

1 pound powdered sugar = just over 3 & 3/4 cups (3.783 cups)

Cost of 1 lb of powdered sugar?

There are about 3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar in a pound,

How cups is 1 lb of powdered sugar?

3 3/4 cups = 1 pound powdered sugar