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Q: Measure for preventing a social engineering?
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What guidelines is a measure for preventing a social engineering attack?

Do not use portable storage devices.

What are the measures in preventing a social engineering attact?

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A measure for preventing a social engineering attack except?

Create a strong cybersecurity awareness program that educates employees about common social engineering tactics and how to identify and respond to them effectively. Regularly remind employees to be cautious about sharing sensitive information and to verify the identity of anyone requesting information. Implement multi-factor authentication and access control measures to add an extra layer of security to sensitive systems and information. Conduct regular security assessments and simulations to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your organization's defenses against social engineering attacks.

What is social engineering?

A Social Engineering attack is any attempt to get someone to divulge private information.

What is social engineering'?

A Social Engineering attack is any attempt to get someone to divulge private information.

What is the definition of social engineering?

Social Engineering is the art of manipulating people to give up confidential information.

What engineering can you choose if you are not very interested in physics?

Social engineering.

What is a phishers?

social engineering

What is the medicine of social space concerned with?

Preventing disease.

What are examples of social engineering?
