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Q: Medical term that describes any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord?
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What is the medical term meaning any pathologic change or disease of the spinal cord?

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Myopathy is a pathologic change of muscle tissues due to disease or injury.myopathy

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Heart disease can be treated many ways. It could be treated by: 1.) lifestyle change 2.) medicines 3.) medical & surgical procedures

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Pathological conditions do affect the homeostasis of the body. This is the constant state of the body when it is in good health. An illness will change this homeostasis.

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What is the medical term meaning to excise a lesion on the back?

It depends. The word lesion means many different things medically, which is an abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease.

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2 words that describes the change to something to make it better would be "improvement" or "improving" or 'to enhance '