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Q: What describes any pathological change or disease of muscle tissue?
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What term refers to any pathologic change or disease of muscle tissue?

Myopathy is a pathologic change of muscle tissues due to disease or injury.myopathy

Osteopathy and myocardosis are medical terms referring to?

Osteopathy is a type of alternative medication to treat various diseases of the bone. "Osteo" refers to bone, where "pathy" means suffering or disease. Myocardosis is the symptomatic signs of cardiac disease, but does not display any pathological lesions. It also describes any degenerative conditions of the heart muscle.

What changes can occur on ECG due to coronary artery disease?

The ECG shows ST elevation or depression and pathological Q waves. The pathological Q wave is a sign of an old infarct (heart attack) as the muscle doesn't conduct an impulse at a certain point.

What is the term meaning disease of the muscle?

Myopathy is the medical term meaning disease of the muscle. my/o- muscle; pathy-disease

Which term best describes cardiac muscle?

that best describes cardiac muscle is multincieated

Which disease is commonly called lockjaw?

trismus, a pathological condition in which the mouth is held shut by sustained spasm of the masseter (jaw) muscle, often observed in cases of tetanus

Which muscle characteristic describes the ability of muscle to respond to a stimulus?


Which of these phrases most aptly describes muscle insertion?

The phrase tendon attachment that moves most aptly describes muscle insertion. The trapezius muscle inserts on the acromion and scapular.

What is the medical term meaning herniation of a muscle through a tear in the fascia?

That describes a myocele.myoceleHernia of a muscle through the fascia surrounding it describes a myocele

What disease is associated with muscle aches and whole body aches?

lyme disease

What describes the action of the digastric muscle?

THe action of the digastric muscle is to depress the mandible or evaluate the larynx

What term describes abnormal condition of muscle tone that impairment of voluntary muscle movement?
