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anti-hypertensive medications..there are many kinds of these which work differently to lower the blood pressure

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Q: Medications administered to lower high blood pressure are know as?
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Is administered to lower high blood pressure?

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Yes Nitrates lower blood pressure. This is because nitrates open up the blood vessels. When this happens the blood exerts less pressure because it can flow more

What are the main ways to lower high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is greatly affected by diet, so an appropriate dieting plan would greatly benefit your friend. If it is serious, prescription medications can also help him control his blood pressure.

What is administered to lower high blood presshure?


What is adminstered to lower high blood pressure?

There are many medications to lower high blood pressure, but you must take one of them only after having diagnosed by a medical doctor. Every person, gender, age, requires a different medicine to control high blood pressure. Sometimes, only by changing your diet, and making exercises, you can avoid taking such medicines. However, you must check your blood pressure twice a day, at morning and at evening to be sure that you have hypertension or high blood pressure. Green tea is a diuretic that helps you on high blood pressure. But firstly check it following the procedures above.

What are the tips to prevent high blood pressure?

There are several medications that can be used to lower high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. These include: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: These medications work by relaxing blood vessels and reducing the workload of the heart. Examples include captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs): These medications also work by relaxing blood vessels and reducing the workload of the heart. Examples include losartan and valsartan. Beta blockers: These medications work by blocking the effects of the hormone adrenaline, which can raise blood pressure. Examples include propranolol and metoprolol. Calcium channel blockers: These medications work by relaxing the muscles of the blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Examples include amlodipine and verapamil. Diuretics: These medications work by removing excess fluid from the body, which can help to lower blood pressure. Examples include hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide. It is important to take blood pressure medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop taking them without discussing it with your doctor first, as suddenly stopping certain medications can cause significant problems. /ɒ||ɒʜɒdʞᴎɒɿꟻ/880/ɿibɘɿ/moɔ.ɘɿoƚꙅiǫib.www//:ꙅqƚƚʜ

How is preclamica treated?

The only sure cure for preeclampsia is to deliver your baby. If delivery is not an option or your case is mild, the doctor will monitor your blood pressure and put you on medications to help lower blood pressure and prevent seizures.

Does Norvasc contain nitrates?

Norvasc is not considered to be a nitrate medication. It is taken to lower blood pressure and should not be taken with other medications for hypertension.

Does drinking diet Pepsi lower your blood pressure?

No. You lower blood pressure by proper diet and exercise. Some people take medication to lower their blood pressure.

Can cassical music lower blood pressure?

In a way it can, because if it relaxes you your blood pressure will lower.

How can I lower blood pressure?

Some medications can help with that. If you want something a little cheaper and more natural, deep breathing can help in lowering blood sugar. As can some dark chocolate.