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Q: Medicinal properties of calotropis gigantea root?
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Which part of the plant is ginseng?

The root of the plant is the part valued for its medicinal properties.

What are the medicinal actions of Western rhubarb root?

Astringent, laxative properties.

What are the active medicinal properties of notoginseng root?

Saponins, flavonoids and xylanase.

What are the medicinal actions of burdock root?

Blood purifier, anti-microbial and fungistatic properties.

What are the active medicinal properties of cotton root bark?

This question has not yet been answered.

What part of the Korean ginseng plant is used for medicinal purposes?

The root of the plant is the part valued for its medicinal properties. The root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. Asian legends claim that this "man-root" has magical powers

What parts of the black walnut tree are used for medicinal purposes?

Although chiefly valued for its decorative fine-grained wood, the tree's bark, root, leaves, and nuts all have medicinal properties.

What parts of the burdock root plant are used for medicinal purposes?

Most of the herb's medicinal constituents are stored in the primary root and rhizome. The entire plant has both nutritive and medicinal uses.

Is plantain root juice medicinal?

how to prepare plaintain root juice

What parts of the cat's claw vine are used for medicinal purposes?

Although the stem bark of cat's claw has some medicinal activity, the root is three to four times more active than the stem bark. Strength of active properties varies depending on when the plant is harvested.

What parts of the Mexican yam plant are used for medicinal purposes?

The dried root.

What are the medicinal actions of codonopsis root?

Strengthens the immune system, stomachic and is an adaptogen.