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Q: Mercury 6 placed John Glenn into orbit around the Earth three times he was the first American to orbit the earth?
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What was the first American spacecraft carrying an astronaut to orbit Earth?

The first American spacecraft which orbited the earth was called The Mercury Friendship 7, and the astronaut was a famous person his name was John Glenn, he was a senator for many years later.

How long does it take Mercury to orbit around Earth?

Mercury orbits the sun not the Earth

How long does it take mercury to go around the earth?

Mercury doesn't orbit Earth.

How long is mercury's revolution around the sun compared to earth?

Mercury takes about 88 Earth days to revolve around the Sun. Earth takes about 365.25 (Earth) days to revolve around the Sun.

Is mercury larger or smaller than earth diameter?

Mercury's diameter is 0.3825 times that of Earth's

How long it takes the sun to get around mercury?

The Sun doesn't revolve around Mercury, Mercury revolves around the Sun. For Mercury to revolve around the Sun, it takes 88 Earth days.

How many days does it take for mercury to orbit around the earth?

Mercury doesn't orbit Earth.88 days

Do Mars and Mercury go around the Earth?

No, Mars and Mercury go around (orbit) the sun. The two planets appear to orbit Earth, but it's a result of the Earth rotating on its axis.

How long does it take for mercury and saturn to orbit around the sun?

Mercury: 0.2408 earth yearsSaturn: 29.46 earth years.

How many earth days does the revolution of mercury take?

Mercury takes 88 Earth days for one revolution (orbit) around the Sun (a Mercury "year").

How long do the mercury and neptune each take to orbit around the sun?

Mercury: 0.2408 earth yearsNeptune: 164.8 earth years.

Distens from Mercury to earth?

I am pretty sure that the distance between Earth and Mercury is somewhere around 77.3 Million kilometers...