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Q: Metamorphosis happens because of what two things?
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Why do frogs have 2 lives?

Frogs are said to have " two lives" because of their metamorphosis

Name the two types of metamorphosis in insects?

Complete and Gradual metamorphosis.

What are two types of metamorphoses?

Two types of metamorphosis are complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis. In complete metamorphosis, organisms go through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. In incomplete metamorphosis, organisms go through three stages: egg, nymph, and adult.

Two varieties of amphibian that do not involve metamorphosis?

All amphibians go through an metamorphosis.

What part of speech is the metamorphosis?

"Metamorphosis" is a common noun. The famous title "The Metamorphosis" authored by Franz Kafka can reasonably be considered a two word proper noun.

What are the two types of metamorphosis in insects and how do they differ?

The two types are complete/complex metamorphosis and simple/gradual/direct metamorphosis. In the latter, the transformation is subtle while in the former, every stage of the life cycle is significantly different from the other.

What amimals go through incomplete metamorphosis?

what are two animals that go through metamorphosis

Are mixtures common in everyday life?

yes,because mixture is a mixing of two or three things ,as in chemistry life it happens every time.

What is the primary difference between gradual and incomplete metamorphosis?

There are several differences between the two, but the primary is that gradual metamorphosis is a slow, elaborate process. Incomplete metamorphosis has been interrupted and stalled at some point.


 the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages."the persistence of the larval tail during metamorphosis"

What are two way that geologic processes can destroy a fossil?

Erosion and metamorphosis.

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Janus wasunusal because he had two what?