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Ringworm (or tinea corporis) is a common fungal infection resulting from dermatophytes, which are microscopic organisms that live on the dead outer layer of skin. Direct contact with infected people, animals, or inanimate objects transmits the fungal infection. Most ringworm infections result from human dermatophytes. Still, you can develop ringworm through exposure to animals (commonly the household pet) and from the soil.Although infection may go away without treatment, some ringworm may require antifungal medications applied as cream to the lesions.

  • Apply topical antifungal medications to the lesion itself and 1 inch beyond its border twice daily for a minimum of two weeks, and at least one week after it goes away. Keep the infected area clean and dry. Over-the-counter medications available at the drugstore include miconazole 2% (with brand names such as Monistat and Micatin) or clotrimazole 1% (with brand names such as Lotrimin and Mycelex).
  • Ringworm is highly contagious.
    • Avoid touching suspicious lesions.
    • Maintain proper hygiene by washing your hands and body frequently and laundering the linens and clothes of an infected family member separately.
    • Avoid contact sports such as Wrestling until you have been treating the lesions for at least 48 hours.
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Q: Method of spreading ringworm
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What are some treatments for the ringworm?

The use of Anti-fungal is a very popular method of removing ringworm. There are other methods such as using anti-biotics and deep cleansing performed in a sterile environment.

Ringworm on inner thigh?

Ringworm can show up anywhere on the body including the inner thigh. This type of infection is caused by a fungus, not an actual worm. It is very contagious and care should be taken to avoid spreading it. You should see a doctor who can prescribe a treatment to get rid of it.

What are the most common ringworm symptoms for dogs?

The most common symptom for ringworm in dogs, is a spreading circle of hair loss, with scabbed skin in the center, surrounded by a characteristic red ring. This often becomes infected, causing the dog to bite, scratch, or lick at the affected area.

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How do you stop ringworm from spreading to more parts of your body started as one ring on back now is all over back stomach?

Ringworm is a fungus. The best thing to do is to see your doctor. He can give you pills to take that will kill the fungus. He may also recommend a topical ointment such as an athlete's foot medication.

Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

Can you use mupirocin on your ringworm?

Yes, you can use Miconazole Nitrate cream for Ringworm. state that one of the uses for this drug is to treat body ringworm. It is a topical anti-fungal cream. Make sure you cover the area with a bandage after applying the cream or you run the risk of the ringworm spreading. Also wash your hands!

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For each fire and material exist a specific fire-extinguishing method.

Can children get ringworm?

Yes children can get ringworm.

What is ringworm in French?

ringworm= la teigne