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Q: Microscopic organisms found in pond water are most likely in the kingdom?
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Antibiotic designed to kill single-celled prokaryotic organisms found in food by disabling their ability to use oxygen and suffocating them is most likely targeting organisms found in which kingdom?

Antibiotic designed to kill single-celled prokaryotic organisms found in food by disabling their ability to use oxygen and suffocating them is most likely targeting organisms found in the Eubacteria kingdom.

The smallest organisms are found in what kingdom?

The smallest organisms are found in Kingdom Monera or the Moneran Kingdom.

An antibiotic designed to kill single-celled prokaryotic organisms found in food by disabling their ability to use oxygen and suffocating them is most likely targeting organisms found in which kingdo?

Antibiotic designed to kill single-celled prokaryotic organisms found in food by disabling their ability to use oxygen and suffocating them is most likely targeting organisms found in the Eubacteria kingdom.

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Microscopic organisms exhibiting some common features found only in animals. Some of them include locomotion, feeding and using their structures for various functions.

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The organisms found in the kingdom Animalia are multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that lack cell walls. They exhibit diverse characteristics and behaviors, ranging from simple sponges to complex mammals.

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An antibiotic designed to kill single-celled prokaryotic organisms found in food by disabling their ability to use oxygen and suffocating them is most likely targeting organisms found in which kingdom?

Antibiotics are drugs used against bacteria (prokaryotes) and fungus (eukaryotes). Since the question particularly specifies antibiotics against prokaryotic organisms, its definitely against bacteria. Bacteria belong to the kingdom monera (according to Whittaker's five kingdom classification).

How many living cells are found in the smallest microscopic organisms?

One, the unicellular organism; which could be bacteria, algae or plankton.

Are the oldest known and simplest organisms?

The oldest known and simplest organisms are part of the Archaebacteria kingdom. Members of this kingdom are one celled organisms and are also the most ancient organisms.