

Mid day sun depends on what?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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Clouds and the precipitation in the air

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Q: Mid day sun depends on what?
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What is the difference between the position of the sun at mid day on a winters day and mid day on a summers day?

At local apparent noon, the time at which the Sun passes your meridian of longitude, the winter Sun is much lower in the sky than the summer Sun.

Why Delhi does not experience midday sun?

Delhi does experience the mid day Sun. ALL part of earth experience the mid day Sun (although the polar regions do not for 6 months of the year and sometimes clouds shade the Sun on some days.

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When the sun is directly overhead, the sunlight is most intense.

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In the summer the sun rises in the morning, the time of sunrise gets earlier each day up to mid summer then after mid summer gets later each day.

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At either of the tropics the sun's rays are most directly overhead at mid-day in mid summer.

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it depends

When is the sun's zenith Friday August 28 2009?

By definition at mid day

Is the sun highest in the sky in summer or in winter?

On mid-summers day it is highest.

What are the two readings that are necessary to determine longitude?

Using a compass determine the direction of south. Using a clock find out the time when the sun is south. For every hour after mid-day you are 15 degrees west of the point where the sun is south at mid-day. The clock should be set to mid-day when the sun is at longitude zero to get absolute values rather than relative values.

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That depends on the latitude. In northern Finland, north of the Arctic Circle, the Sun sets in mid-November and doesn't rise again until mid-January.

Why are the warmest hours of the day usually mid-to late afternoon?

Because the sun is at its fullest at that time.

What time will the sun be highest in the sky?

The sun will APPEAR to be 'highest in the sky' at mid-day right on 12 o'clock. I hope this helps you. :)