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A middle order good is something like clothes or a hair dryer and services would be like Aeropostale or Ardene. These stores are used once o month or so and are a little more expensive than low order goods.

High order goods would be furniture, a car or house. These things are used unfrequently and are only bought every 5 or so years at least. These stores typically only speciallize in one series of products like Leons or Chrysler dealerships.


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1mo ago

Middle-order goods and services are products that are used to create other products or services but are not the final consumer goods. They are typically purchased by businesses for further production or resale. Examples include raw materials, components, machinery, and technology.

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9y ago

Medium-order goods and services are those that are purchased roughly once a month. Examples could be clothing, utilities, books, movies, and beautician services.

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What term do geographers use when they are talking about trading goods with other countries?

Geographers use the term "international trade" to refer to the exchange of goods and services across national borders. This term encompasses the flow of exports and imports between different countries.

What is measured by comparing the relative cost of standard of goods and services in different geographic areas?

Purchasing power parity (PPP) is measured by comparing the relative cost of a standard set of goods and services in different geographic areas. It helps to assess the difference in price levels between countries and adjust for exchange rate differences to determine the true value of a currency.

What is a location code?

A location code is a unique identifier assigned to a specific geographical area to help accurately identify and navigate to that location. It is often used in logistics, postal services, and mapping applications to improve efficiency and accuracy in delivering goods or services.

How population affects demand?

Population directly affects demand by influencing the number of people who require goods and services. A larger population typically translates to higher demand, as more individuals need products for their daily lives. On the other hand, a smaller population may lead to lower demand for certain items.

What is Country Money?

Country money refers to the currency issued and used within a specific country as a medium of exchange for goods and services. This money is typically issued and controlled by the country's government or central bank.

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