

Milk homogeneous or hetrogenous

Updated: 5/21/2024
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9y ago

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Milk straight from the cow is a heterogeneous mixture with visibly various components, such as the fat the floats to the top. However, the milk you buy from a grocery store is "homogenized" meaning the fat has been whipped into smaller particles, and evenly distributed throughout the milk so the milk then becomes homogeneous.

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1w ago

Milk is a heterogeneous mixture because it is composed of different substances that do not form a uniform composition throughout. It contains water, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals which are all distributed unequally within the mixture.

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13y ago

Milk is a colloid, and is, in fact, heterogeneous because if you look at it under a microscope you can see little globs of fat, but under the naked eye it will look like it is homogeneous

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