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The House Committe on UnAmerican Activities

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Q: Miller was famous for refusing to give evidence against others in the film industry in front of what government body?
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What class action suit was brought against the paint industry?

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Who is the Representative of the government that Thoreau meets once a year?

The representative of the government that Thoreau meets once a year is the tax collector. Thoreau encounters him as part of his protest against the Mexican-American War and slavery, refusing to pay taxes to a government that supports these injustices.

What if you paid the lien but the lien holder won't sign the lien satisfaction?

You should visit the court that issued the judgment lien and ask about obtaining a court order against the creditor for refusing to release the lien. You should take proof that you paid the lien with you as evidence.You should visit the court that issued the judgment lien and ask about obtaining a court order against the creditor for refusing to release the lien. You should take proof that you paid the lien with you as evidence.You should visit the court that issued the judgment lien and ask about obtaining a court order against the creditor for refusing to release the lien. You should take proof that you paid the lien with you as evidence.You should visit the court that issued the judgment lien and ask about obtaining a court order against the creditor for refusing to release the lien. You should take proof that you paid the lien with you as evidence.

Why did Thoreau chose to go to jail instead of paying his taxes?

Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay taxes as a form of protest against the Mexican-American War and the institution of slavery. He believed that by going to jail, he was standing up for his principles and refusing to support a government that he believed was unjust.

Is refusing a triple dog dare against the constitution?

I think yes

What are the arguments for and against DNA evidence?

There are many arguments for and against DNA evidence. One argument is that it cannot be disproved as deciding evidence.

How do you use refutable in a sentence?

Here is how you can use refutable in a sentence, " The company's spokesman's accusations against the government were refutable." This is something that can be disapproved or proved to be erroneous.

What can evidence provide?

Evidence can prove, or disprove, the case against you.

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The ancient Roman plebeians rebelled against the unfairness of the patrician's government by staging a sit-in, or perhaps it was a sit-out. The left the city and camped out on the Adventine hill, refusing to participate in any urban activities. The patricians, according to some sources, feared that the plebeians would form their own city, so gave in to most of their demands.

Why did the government send the military to protect the railroad workers?

to guard against spontaneous outbreaks in numerous cities of violence against railroads and the bitter antagonism between workers and the leaders of industry, Great Railroad Strike of 1877.