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Q: Mindless eating is most likely to cause you to?
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Mindless Behavior would most likely date girls from ages 14 &nd up

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Aspirin is the NSAID that is most likely to cause ulcers.

Does not eating cause diseases?

Unless death is considered a diseases...most likely not. Why are you not wanting to eat? Are you fasting for a reason? Moderation in all things will most likely set you from even, and especially, diseases.

What will happen if your diet does not have sufficient calories over the space of a month?

Eating less than 1000 cal/day can and most likely will cause weight gain.

What do the boys in mindless behavior like in a girl?

Depends on the guy. If they're mindless, probably just the physicality of the female. If they're thoughtful, most likely an intellectual woman with a sense of humor.

What is most likely the cause of someone to fall overboard?

Carelessness and inattention is most likely the cause of someone to fall overboard.

What will happen if you stop eating?

you will most likely die from starvation

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Most likely you will die of hunger?

Most likely cause of anorexia nervosa?

There is not one exact "most likely cause" for any type of eating disorder. There are many factors that often lead to a person developing and eating disroder. The most common factors can be grouped into the category of "pressures". This would be like teasing / bullying about weight or appearances, competetion to be "thinner" or "prettier" between friends and family, and how many media icons protray images and ideals of "thin is good".

Which type of contraction is most likely to cause discomfort in q5?

The eccentric muscle contraction is most likely to cause discomfort in q5.