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Q: Minnesota produces more of this food item than any other state?
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Minnesotans eat the same thing as any other state. But, however, one of Minnesota's nicknames is the Bread and Butter state.

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The corn dog is a very popular food at the Minnesota State Fair.

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Bacteria produces its own food

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Where did the Minnesota state muffin idea come from?

A third grade class in Carlton, Minnesota thought that they could have a law passed, which they proved they could. The idea started in Social Studies class some how. They asked to themselves that if there was a state food, what would it be? Then they all thought blueberry muffins. They thought that because wild blue berries grew a lot in Minnesota in bogs, swamps, and other ecosystems.

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blueberry muffins are representational to Minnesota because in 1988 third graders thought that the ingredients to the muffin, blueberries and wheat, were important to the state

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