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Q: Molly pitcher what heroic acts did she perform duting the battle of monmouth in June 1778?
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What was magic Johnson famous?

what was magic johnson famous for???Have great Slam Dunks duting the game.

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Around late spring. That's because spring is the time duting plant reportducction. This revolves around growth.

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Many horses do. We keep ours out of duting areas and away from flying hay and out of the wind. I do not know of any treatments for them. I wish you and your horse luck.

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there is a net force (gravity), which pulls it down, and as stated by newtons law, if the forces are not balanced on an object then the object will accellerate in the direction of the force, in this case, gravity is the force

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In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Neh means "Never".It is part two of the Summon Durnehviir shout. This word of power is given to the player duting the Dawnguard DLC from Durnehviir in the Soul Cairn.You can find more about the Dragon Shouts and Words of Power on the official Elder Scrolls Wiki.

When the Titanic?

I assume you mean when did the R.M.S. Titanic sink. the notable- probaby the best-known Maritime disaster occured on the night of April l4-l5 of l9l2. True, this occured duting the vessel"s maiden voyage. By an odd coincidence Income Tax day occurs on April l5 ( this was not the reason date was chosen!) and the actual death of Lincoln, who survived for some hours after the fatal shot- was April l5, of l865. There may be a Titanic tie-in.

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It deals with one family's struggle to survive duting the Great Depression. It deals with how some people are able to maintain dignity during desperate hardship and some are not. It is my opnion that Steinbeck wanted to tell, and was trying to tell, the story of an incipient Communist revolution in America but his natural talent and honesty as a writer wouldn't let him do it. He keeps just having to make tangential references to things related to his Socialist ideals and then is forced back to a realistic story about strong and free people dealing with what life gives them.

What is mitotic chiasma?

chiasma occurs in meiosis. Fascinating that I didn't answer this question but it's attributed to me so I guess I'll add some detail. Chiasma means crossing/intersecting and are the points where recombination occurs duting meoisis. (Crossing over does not occur in mitosis). Chiasma(singular) or chiasmata (plural) are formed during prophaseof meiosis I duing recombination and hold homologous chromosomes together at the sites where the exchanges of genetic material occur. These "connections: remain in place until until the chromosomes seperate during anaphase.