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Everyone starts on side A Two kids row to side B. One kid gets out, other rows back to side A Kid gets out on side A and 1 adult gets in, rows to B. Adult gets out on side B. That kid gets back in and rows back to A other kid gets back in the boat and both kids return to side B. One kid gets out on B, the other rows back to A Kid gets out on A, remaining adult gets in and rows to B. Kid on B gets back in boat and rows to A, picks up the other kid, and they row back to B. Now everybody is on B

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Q: Mom Dad and 2 kids have come to a river and they find a boat It is small and can only carry one adult or 2 kids at a time Both kids are good rowers but how can the whole family reach the othe?
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4 Mom Dad and 2 kids have come to a river and they find a boat It is small and can only carry one adult or 2 kids at a time Both kids are good rowers but how can the whole family reach the othe?

get one adult in then go to the other side then give back the boat then get the kids in and send it back so the last adult can come

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