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Q: Most advertisements were aimed at in the 1920's?
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Which of the following was a common tactic of advertisements in the 1920s?

Advertisements showed a higher standard of living to which people could aspire.

Who was the most famous gangster from the 1920s?

Al Capone is widely considered the most famous gangster from the 1920s. He was a prominent figure in organized crime in Chicago during the Prohibition era, known for his illegal bootlegging operations and involvement in various criminal activities.

What percentage of advertisements are Photoshopped?

Most non-animated advertisements are made in Photoshop.

What are some famous advertisements for alcohol?

There are many famous advertisements for alcohol in the internet and in television advertisements. For example, the most famous ads are from Heineken.

Are the advertisements good for consumers?

Most advertisements are good for consumers as they serve as a source of awareness. Some advertisements have been criticized on moral grounds and on other aspects.

Who is the Wii aimed at?

The wii is generally aimed at casual gamers (most kids, seniors, etc.)

Why are most advertisements ignored by consumers?

bad actors

Are all advertisements on the computer bad?

most of them are spams

What kind of advertising does converse use most?

Online advertising such as banner advertisements. Television advertisements were used in the 1990's but are not anymore.

The most ominous trend of the 1920s was?


What was the most deadly sickness in the 1920s?


What was The most popular car of the 1920s?

It is the Beagal