

Best Answer

Christianity with 2.1 billion followers

Coming in second is Islam with about 1.4 billion followers. I hope this was helpful!!

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Q: Most believed religion in the world?
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Why is islam not the most used religion in the world?

it is truth ______________________ The question is not true. Islam is the most believed and used religion in the world. Islam is the most growing religion in the world because of its authenticity, logic, and good morals that is calling for.

Is Buddhism the most believed in reliogon?

No, Buddhism is the world's 4th largest religion behind Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.

How believed is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the third most practiced religion in the world. It consists of about over 14% of the human population.

Why did the ancient Rome believed in their religion?

The Romans believed in their religion because they were human and like everyone else in the world. All groups throughout history and prehistory had (and still have) their own religion and believed in their religions. You cannot have a religion if you do not believe in it.

What religion did the Illini tribe believe in?

The Illini tribe believed in the spirit world as a religion.

What is the most believed religion?

The most believed religion is for surely Christianity. I'm a Christan too!

Where is the most concentrated religion in the world?

The most concentrated religion in the world is in England or the USA. The religion is Christianity.

What is the most radical religion in the world?

There are defiantly is not any "most radical religion" in the world

Did Hinduism begin long after christianity?

No. Hinduism is believed to be the oldest religion in the world.

What religion did the pharaohs practice?

Most Pharaohs believed in the Ancient Egyptian Religion and mythology, usually called Kemetism.

What are the world's most smartest religion?

It is not accurate to categorize religions based on intelligence. Different religions have unique beliefs, practices, and values that hold significance for different individuals and communities. Intelligence and wisdom can be found across all religions and belief systems.

The most growing religion in the world?

Islam religion.