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Early Astronomers did not even have the compass. The early astronomers believed that the world was flat or round in shape.

In truth, all the ancient knowledge that was passed on to the astronomers were not in Human understanding. The building of Pyramids, the ancients scriptures and text that tells of the astronomical charts and calendars were handed down to them as gifts.

These were knowledge given by the gods. But the question is. Are the gods who gave us these answers are truly GODS ? or were they merely extra-terrestial beings advanced in knowledge and technology ?

Academicians will off course throw out this story due to our failure to comply to the facts or rationality of logic. But many things on Earth defies the very fabric of common beliefs on rationality and logic. For instance, can we prove the existence of gravity or see gravity ? We cant. But we know that it exist. So there is your proof that such things DO exist. We as humans have to just remain to have the faith that many questions will go unanswered.

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