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Elements are those pure substances which are formed by only one kind of atoms.

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Q: Most modern definition of element
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What is the definition of the element O?

O stands for the element Oxygen. It is a nonmetallic element and the third most abundant element in the universe.

Why was water once thought to be an element?

According to the modern definition of "element", water is made up of two different elements: hydrogen, and oxygen.

What is CO2 definition?

Carbon Dioxide, the most important element in the periodic table.

Is plutonium the most powerful element ever?

An answer is impossible without a definition of a "powerful element"; and this syntagma is not adequate for a chemical element. But it is true that plutonium is very dangerous (radioactive and toxic) and expensive.

Is hydrogen the most abundant element in the atmosphere?

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere.

What is a definition of a element?

the definition of an element is a useful resource that we use in our daily life an example such as oxygen if we did not have oxygen we would die

What is the definition of a element?

the definition of an element is a useful resource that we use in our daily life an example such as oxygen if we did not have oxygen we would die

What is the modern term for the word 'egal'?

The most modern term for "egal" comes from its definition, equal. Some modern synonyms include "equivalent", "proportional", "corresponding" and "identical".

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The consumer is probably the most important element in the marketing chain in the modern marketing environment?

WRONG. Having a good product is the most important element for good press. You also need to have a demographic that fits your product. The third most important element is the customer.

Is an atom a element or a compound?

By definition, it will always be an element, never a compound.