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The majority of the inhabitants in Transylvania are Romanians; also here are Hungarians and Gypsies (the remnants of asiatic migratory peoples).

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Are the inhabitants of Transylvania Transylvanian?

The inhabitants of Transylvania are Romanians; some minorities as Hungarian, Gypsies an Germans also exist in this old Romanian province.

How are Transylvania and Romania similar?

Transylvania is a region of Romania; the majority of the inhabitants speak the Romanian language.

What is the largest town in transylvania?

Cluj-Napoca, with 304 474 inhabitants at 01.01.2009.

Why did Transylvania become Romania?

Transylvania became officially a part of Romania at 1 December 1918. Transylvania is an old Romanian province; now some inhabitants here speak the Hungarian language - they are the remains of the Middle Age Asiatic invaders.

Population of transylvania?

If you define Transylvania as the entire region of Romania situated west of the Carpathian Mountains, its population adds up today to around 7.2 million. Approximately 3 out of 4 inhabitants of Transylvania are Romanian, and 1 out of 5 is Hungarian.

What is the Transylvania word for undead?

1. Transylvania is not a country, but only a province of Romania. 2. The language in Transylvania is the Romanian language. Some inhabitants, descendants of some migratory peoples talk in other languages. 3. undead = care nu este mort, viu

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That depends on if you mean most inhabitants or most inhabitants per kilometer Most inhabitants: China and India Most inhabitants per kilometer: Monaco and Singapore

Where is transyalvania?

Transylvania is now, for the most part, Romania.

How do you spell Transylvania?

Transylvania is correct.

Who are the leaders of transylvania?

transylvania king

What is Transylvania passcode?

Any passcode for Transylvania.

What happened to Transylvania?

Transylvania still exists.