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Q: Most of the land in the world is on what hemisphere?
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Why is the northern hemisphere called a land hemisphere?

The Northern Hemisphere is called a land hemisphere because most of the earth's land is centered here.

Why northern hemisphere is called land hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere is called the land hemisphere because it has the worlds most land on it than water.

What hemisphere is Korea in?

The Old World, The Eastern Hemisphere, The northern hemisphere, and the Land Hemisphere

What weighs the most-- The Northern Hemisphere or The Southern Hemisphere?

southern hemiphere Because there is more land. Look up a map of the world and you will see that the Northern Hemisphere has the largest land mass,,,,not the Southern Hemisphere... Question is still open...

Which hemisphere has the most land area?

The answer is the western hemisphere.

Is land dominant in the southern hemisphere?

No, the water is dominant in the Southern Hemisphere. Most land mass is in the Northern Hemisphere.

Which hemisphere the northern or southern has the most land?

northern hemisphere

In which hemisphere are most land areas located?

northern hemisphere

Why is the southern hemisphere the water hemisphere?

Because the southern hemisphere has the least amount of land in the world

What country has the most land are in the western hemisphere?

That would be Canada. Canada is the second largest nation in the world with Russia (eastern hemisphere) being the largest.

Which hemisphere has most land?


Where does most of the dry land lie in northern or southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere has much more land than the southern hemisphere.