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Southerners came from Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. this is the awnsers your looking for i just did this homework assignment and got a 100

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Q: Most of the proslavery setters who moved to Kansas came from which Southern states?
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Southern proslavery arguments did NOT include the belief that slavery was?

Southern proslavery arguments did not include the belief that slavery was mandated by the Constitution of the United States. Slavery had been a contentious issue between the North and South since the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

What hemisphere is south of Kansas?

The southern hemisphere is located south of Kansas. One of the indicating states is Oklahoma which is south of Kansas.

What is the southern most state in all 50 of the United States?

Kansas city

What was the name give to the violence between proslavery and antislavery settlements in Kansas?

Prior to Kansas joining the Union, the Kansas Territory was a hotbed of violence and chaos between anti-slavery and pro-slavery settlers. Kansas was known as Bleeding Kansas as these forces collided over the issue of slavery in the United States. The term "Bleeding Kansas" was coined by Republican Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune.

Why did the southern states begin to talk more about secession after Kansas became a state?

because it was cool

What is southern view about Kansas-Nebraska Act?

They liked it because it could have allowed new slave states.

What name was given to the fight between proslavery and anti-slavery forces following the passage of the Kansas Nebrask act?

Prior to Kansas joining the Union, the Kansas Territory was a hotbed of violence and chaos between anti-slavery and pro-slavery settlers. Kansas was known as Bleeding Kansas as these forces collided over the issue of slavery in the United States. The term "Bleeding Kansas" was coined by Republican Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune.

Why was the kansas nebraska act so controversials?

The most controversial aspect of the Kansas-Nebraska act was the doctrine of popular sovereignty, as this caused fighting between proslavery and antislavery forces over control of the territories.

Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.

Which us states border the south?

The U.S. states that border the Southern United States consist of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Why didn't the southern states secede until 1860?

The Southern States did not secede until 1860 due to the work of Henry Clay, "The Great Compromiser". His efforts included things like the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What happened to the Missouri compromise after 1854?

After 1854, the Missouri Compromise, which was the attempt to balance the number of free states and slave states between the Northern and Southern states of the United States, was relinquished and replaced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.