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Q: Most of the volume in loose connective tissue is made up of?
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Tissue that holds parts of the body together?

Connective tissue hold structures together.

What is a connectve tissue?

Connective tissue, as it names suggests, has a 'connective' function. It supports and binds tissues in the body. There are three types of connective tissue. 1. Loose - most common. Collagen, elastic, reticular fibres. 2. Dense (or fibrous) - tendons and ligaments 3. Specialised - e.g. adipose (fat) tissue is a type of specialised loose connective tissue.

How do loose and connective tissue differ?

Loose Connective Tissue consists of a lot of ground substance and it has all 3 types of protein fibers. Dense Connective Tissue on the other hand has little ground substance, few cells, and although it has most protein fibers it mainly consists of collagen fibers.

What is the most obvious structural feature of areolar connective tissue?

The most obvious structural feature of areolar connective tissue is its loose arrangement of collagen and elastic fibers. This gives the tissue its "cobweb-like" appearance and provides flexibility and support to surrounding structures. Additionally, areolar connective tissue contains numerous cells, including fibroblasts, which are responsible for producing and maintaining the extracellular matrix.

What kind of tissue is the iris made of?

loose aereolar connective tissue. this connective tissue is made up of 3 connective tissue fibres, collagen, elastic and reticular fibres. it contains fibroblast (most abundant cell type in connective tissue, which produces ground substance and fibres of connective tissue), macrophages, mast cells and plasma cells. its function is to hold and trap fluid, wrap and cushion organs and is important in inflammation.

What type of tissue is more widely spread around the body?

epithelial tissue is most widely distributed in the body

What type of tissue most easily regenerates after injury?

epithelial tissue, connective tissue

Hardest and most solid type of connective tissue?

Bone is the most rigid and dense of the connective tissues.

Which of the four major tissues is the most widely distributed in the human body?

The most widely distributed tissue type in the body is known as the connective tissue.

Mesenchymal cells are most commonly found in what kind of connective tissue?

embryonic connective tissue

What kind of tissues make up your skin?

The tissue that makes up most of your skin is Epithelial tissue.

Which type of tissue binds together and supports other tissues and organs?

Connective tissue