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Q: Most of what part of Africa is very dry?
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Why does Africa need water?

Africa is a very dry and hot temparate landscape

What is the cheetah's climate like?

Cheetahs live in the southern plains of Africa. The climate there is very hot and dry most of the year.

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Climate in South Africa?

For the most part, South Africa is dry, sunny, and warm. It's elevation and the fact that it has Ocean on three sides works to moderate it's temperatures.

What is the weather like in eastern and southwestern Africa?

very hot and very dry

How was the climate in Ancient Egypt?

Hot and dry for the most part, but very humid in the Nile Delta.

Is it hot in Centural Africa?

Yes.It is very dry and hot.

Is benin a ledc or medc country?

Yes, Benin is a LEDC. Benin is rather poor, has a high population and is located in a very dry part of Africa.

What northern part of Africa is dry?

The biggest desert in the world, the Sahara.

What is vegetation of Africa?

Africa is very diverse and has a lot of countries it has dry deserts and humid lands

What is the Vegetation of Africa?

Africa is very diverse and has a lot of countries it has dry deserts and humid lands