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Q: Most of your body weight composed of?
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How much of your weight are muscles?

close to half of your body weight is composed of muscle.

Approximately half of human body weight is composed of what kind of muscle tissue?

Approximately half of the human body weight is composed of skeletal muscle that is voluntarily controlled. It is also referred to as striated muscle.

How much weight of a human body is composed of water?

i dont know the weight but i do know the percentage it is 75%

Approximately what fraction of a person's body weight is composed of water?

2/3 or 65%

What percent of the body weight is composed of proteins?

Twenty percent.See also:A healthy diet

What percent of a human weight is made of water?

Almost 60 % of body weight is composed of water. 40 % of the body water is in the intracellular compartment and 20 % of the body water is there in extracellular compartment.

What is the best way to measure my body fat weight?

The closest way to measure your body fat weight is to first analyze your body fat percentage. You can do this with a machine called the body fat analyzer. You will then get an idea of how your body is composed.

Approximately what fraction of a persons body weight is composed of water?

In an adult male it can be as much as 60% by weight. In females the proportion is lower.

What is the body most composed of?

The human body consists of mostly water.

What percent of muscle is composed of water?

the muscles make up 40 % of the body weight

Is the liver composed of the body cells?

no. a kidney is not composed of body cells. but liver, sperm, and a single bone are composed of body cells. :)

What fraction of a person's body weight is composed of water?

In percentage terms it is between 50% and 60%. The percentage is lower for women.