

Best Answer

The children can have A, B, AB, or O.

Read on for a convoluted explanation:

Mom and Dad each have 2 copies of the gene that codes for blood type. Type O is recessive - you have to have OO in order to get type O blood. That means that mom can have BB or mom can have Bo. Either genotype (gene code) will give a type B phenotype (what is seen in a regular blood test). Dad can likewise have AA or he can have Ao. Either one will be type A blood.

If Mom is BB and Dad is AA then the baby is guaranteed AB (which is type AB).

If Mom is Bo and Dad is AA then the baby can either be AB or Ao (which would be type A).

If Mom is BB and Dad is Ao then baby can either be AB or Bo (type B).

If mom is Bo and Dad is Ao, then baby has a 1/4 chance of AB, Ao, Bo, or oo (type O).

If you know the grandparents' blood types you can get a better statistical prediction (i.e. a grandparent with O blood guarantees that the parent has an o gene) - but really, there's a reason they do DNA testing to determine blood type instead of paternity.

Negatives are similarly related - two negatives will always make a negative, but two positives can make either a negative or a positive. There can be a defective gene coding though so that positive blood actually 'tests' as negative due to the lack of an antibody.

Anyway - HTH

Source - RN

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Q: Mother has B Father has A what will children have?
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Yes. If the mother is OO and the father is OB then yes. If the mother is OO and the father is BB then no.

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Father and mother ( B and O) the father alleles here are heterozygous (IBi) IBi ... ii children are : IBi , IBi , ii , ii so 50% of children may be type B & 50% of children may be type O but if the father B type is homozygous ( IBIB) 100% of children will be type B ,,, (IBi) if father is (Rh+Rh+) and mother (Rh-Rh-) all kids will be Positive. but if father (Rh+Rh-) and mother (Rh-Rh-) 50% of children will be + 50% of children will be -. Medical Answers need to be confirmed and re-confirmed.

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Look at the Grandparents.

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Can a daughter be blood type O when her father is blood type AB and her mother is A?

No. AB parents cannot have O type children; however, A, B, and O can have O type children. If the father is AB and the mother is A the child will have to be either A, B or AB.

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they can only get either AB or B blood type children.

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Father can be A, B, or O.

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The mother is genotype AB, the father is either genotype BO or BB. If the father is genotype BO, the children can be genotype AB, AO, BB, or BO. This results in children with phenotype blood types of: AB, A, or B. If the father is genotype BB, the children can be genotype AB, AB, BB, or BB. This results in children with phenotype blood types of: AB or B.

If a Father has blood-group AB and mother A what are the possible blood groups obtained?

possible children can be A, AB, B