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A rabbit's natural instinct is to protect the herd (warren). In the wild dead baby bunnies attract predators so the mothers will eat them. They also eat any after birth.

Sometimes mothers who are having a hard time giving birth will bite and/or tear at the babies while giving birth. This is why so many of the breeds with bull dog type heads have such low live birth ratios. It is hard for the mothers to give birth.

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Q: Mother rabbit eat the new bunnies head off?
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Can bunnies eat you?

You can eat bunnies, although people usually do not eat their pets. Some butcher shops do sell rabbit. It's quite tasty.

Does a raccoon eat a rabbit?

A raccoon would find it difficult to catch an adult rabbit but would certainly eat bunnies still in the nest.

How do bunnies get big if they always eat healthy?

It usually depends on what breed the rabbit is.

Will one rabbit eat another rabbit?

usually not... but a mother rabbit would eat her baby if it died

Can a mother rabbit eat her young?


What kinds of animals like to eat carrots?

The Animals That Eat Carrots Are Bunny's And Rabbit's And Humans Because Carrots Are Good For Eyesight

What can bunny eat?

Bunnies LOVE carrots. They eat rabbit food which you can just get at Walmart. They also eat lettuce, corn, cabbage, timothy hay, and alfalfa hay. They also enjoy lettuce and any type of greens

Do bunnies defecate?

Yes. A rabbit is an animal. All animals must eat and defecate.

Can bunnies eat oreos?

well im guessing that it would not be good for them at all. so no, do not feed your rabbit oreos. please!

What kind of lawn pesticide can you use that is safe for bunnies?

Um, hello? Pesticide kills insects that eat plants. Poison. If a rabbit eats pesticide, the rabbit eats poison.

Does bulldogs eat bunnies?

Yes, but dogs can be trained to leave a rabbit alone, but this training takes a long time and can become very boring, so avoid putting a dog and rabbit, or cat and rabbit, together.

What do newborn bunnies eat?

Newborn bunnies drink their mother's milk (and eat their mother's cecotropes).Hand-fed bunnies do not have a great survival rate, but if it has to happen, they're fed with a special milk substitute formula (and they should also be fed cecotropes from an adult rabbit). Not just any formula will do; hand-rearing must be done under guidance from a rabbit vet or experienced rabbit rescuer.Baby bunnies start to eat solid foods around 4 weeks of age, but they aren't fully weaned until about 6 weeks. At that point they eat hay and pellets. Vegetables and fruit can be unhealthy for baby rabbits. Fresh greens can be introduced at around 12 weeks (in tiny portions daily, but watch for diarrhea or other signs of ill health). Treats like fruit and carrot can be offered (tiny portions once a week or so) at 6 months. At 7 months they should begin slowly transitioning to an adult diet.Wild baby rabbits eat the same diet that domestic baby rabbits eat. When they start eating solid foods, instead of hay and pellets they eat wild (and sometimes cultivated) grasses, weeds, herbs, some vegetables, and very small amounts of roots, grains, and fruit.