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Q: Movement of the stapes causes stimulation of fluid within the?
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What is a movement within the earth that causes buried rock to be exposed at the earth's surface called?

The movement within the Earth that causes buried rock to be exposed at the Earth's surface is called uplift. It refers to the vertical elevation of the Earth's surface.

What is the bone in the eardrum?

There are no bones within the eardrum. The three bones in the inner ear are the malleus, the incus and the stapes.

How does convection within earth create landscapes?

It moves plates and causes compression and tension as well as the movement of magma.

What is the Movement within the earth that cause buried rock to be exposed at the earths surface?

The movement within the Earth that causes buried rock to be exposed at the Earth's surface is called uplift. It refers to the vertical elevation of the Earth's surface.

What is the Smallest joint of the body?

There are many e.g. over 30 small joint surfaces in the wrist and hand. It is hard to say. Answer The smallest bony joint in the skeleton is found within the head. It is that between the two ossicles incus and stapes.

What is the function of the oval window?

Function The stapes bone transmits movement to the oval window. As the oval window membrane moves in, the round window membrane moves out, and this allows movement of the fluid within the cochlea, leading to movement of the cochlear inner hair cells and thus hearing. If the round window were to be absent or rigidly fixed (as can happen in some congenital abnormalities), the oval window would be pushing incompressible fluid against the unyielding walls of the cochlea. It would therefore not move to any useful degree leading to a hearing loss of about 60dB. This is, unsurprisingly, the same as for conditions where the stapes itself is fixed, such as otosclerosis. i hope this helps:)

What happens in deep brain stimulation?

In deep brain stimulation (DBS), electrodes are implanted within the brain to deliver a continuous low electric current to the target area.

What is kinetic awareness?

Privately or in a group, a teacher sets up situations for the student to explore the possible causes of pain and movement restrictions within the body.

How is the theory of plate tectonics related to the radioactive decay of elements within earths interior?

As elements decay within the Earth's interior, they release energy. This energy creates movement within the magma (along with the rotation of the Earth and heat) and this movement causes the plates of the Earth to move, hence the geography of the planet is different to thousands and millions of years ago.

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In music, a movement is a piece within a larger piece.

What is one of the causes of the rome decline?

The westward movement of peoples from Asia brought new peoples within the borders of the empire - Goths, Vandals and Huns, who overran it and took it over.