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Q: Movements of the thigh are accomplished by muscles anchored to the pelvic girdle?
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Related questions

The shoulder girdle is responsible for which movements of the scapula?

the crannualis

What part of the body are the deltiod muscles in?

The deltoid muscles are a part of the shoulder girdle.

What is the function of arms and leg bones making movements possible?

pelvic girdle

What muscles are used to depress the shoulder girdle?

see link below

What is pectoral girdle joined to?

of front side pectoral girdle is connected with bone of chest while on the back side it is connected with vertebral column through muscles.

What are the trapezius muscles for?

The main purpose of the trapezius muscle if to stabilize the shoulder blade (scapula); provide a base for the movements of the arm, and to create the shoulder girdle for stability to the upper body.

What is the Main function of shoulder blade?

The shoulder girdle(pectoral girdle) functions as a point of flexibility. The clavicle, scapula and the humerus articulate in the girdle.

Lower limb bones are attached to the axial skeleton by what?

The iliofemoral ligment and numerous muscles.

How do muscles work in softball pitching?

There are several muscles working when pitching. Starts of with the abductor muscles when striding. leg muscles such as the calf, quads and hamstring work when push of happens. then shoulder girdle, lats and biceps work as arms rotate. Core muscles work for rotation

What are the muscles involved in shoulder elevation?

The muscles involved in elevating the shoulder girdle (e.g. shrugging your shoulders) are the upper fibers of trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and rhomboid minor.

What is a pelvic cuff?

It consists of a group of muscles and tendons that hold the pelvic girdle in place and make it functional, similar to the rotator cuff in the shoulder.

What do muscles that act on the shoulder originate?

Most originate on the Scapula (the Shoulder Girdle), not all though. The Pectoralis Major & Minor and the Latissimus Dorsi do not.