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Q: Much of the economic growth of Texas is based on which commodity?
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Why is human significant to economic growth?

Because economic growth is basically based on humans using money and buying stuff.

Much of the growth of Texas is based on what raw material?


What has been the main force behind Taiwan's economic growth?

The main force behind Taiwan's economic growth is its manufacturing industry. Samsung, the mobile phone company, is based in Taiwan.

Society's production possibilities frontier is based on?

simplifying assumptions, but is still useful for illustrating scarcity, opportunity cost, and economic growth.

Did Alexander Hamilton promote an economy based on manufacturing and economic growth while Jefferson believed that agriculture was the key?

No it's the oppisite.

Specific positive and negative effects of economic growth?

Positive effects of economic growth are mainly based in the fact that there is more activity, more to go around for all. The negative of this is that the resource rich are in a better position to hold on to their gains when the growth reverses/slows, further expanding the trench between the rich and poor.

What determines the kind of economy a nation has?

A nation choses its economy based on its economic goals. Economic growth is often any nation's goals. With that in mind a free market economy will help achieve that goal.

How are Commodity trading advisor paid?

Usually based on a percentage of the profits.

What type of money has value based on intrinsic worth?

Commodity money

What is the RITC code of custom?

Ritc code is a code based on the commodity

How is illliteracy responsible for poverty in India?

the current anti-poverty strategy is based on two planks : 1)Promotion of economic growth 2)Targeted anti-poverty programmes ->people send their children to schools in hope of getting better economic results from investing in education. ->Economic growth widens opportunities & provides the resources needed to invest in human development.

What is commodity or product approach?

Commodity = needs Product = quality In my POV, the commodity approach merely focuses on the consumers' demands whilst the product approach focuses on bringing consumer demand by creating a product that's of great quality.