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There is no baptism in Islam. Islam believes we are born pure but then the things that we do afterwards (our deeds) determines if we're good and bad. Christians believe in Original Sin and that's why they baptise, to wash away the sins they think everyone's born with.

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Q: Muslim baptism do they have holy water?
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Related questions

How is baptism water holy?

there has been a cross or a crusifix in the water

What are some sacret items in baptism?

sacred items of baptism are oil holy water and an altar

When is the holy water used for Baptism blessed?

In general, it is blessed at the baptism ceremony itself.

What is the difference in ministers in emergency baptism and regular baptism?

In regular baptism, the sacrament is administered by a priest or minister of the appropriate denomination or one in full communion with it. In emergency baptism, it can be administered by anyone, even a Jew or Muslim or pagan, provided (a) water is used; (b) the baptism is in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and (c) the intention is to baptize.

What is the meaning of holy water in Catholic baptism?

In Christianity the water for baptism is holy as Christians believe that the holy spirit is channeled through the priest to water making it holy during baptism and that the one after baptism is reborn pure from any sin. However, per Islam religion there is no concept of holy water. Water is rather considered for the fact, mentioned in Quran, that every thing alive in our planet is composed of water and could not sustain life without water. In addition, water is important for ritual worships of Wudu and Ghosl (minor and major ablution)

Did Jesus receive the Holy Ghost after his water baptism?

Yes he did .

How is baptism received?

It is Received by when the priest puts holy water on your head!

Why is water important to Christians?

Do you mean holy water? if so...holy water is used in baptism to represent the holy spirit. This is used because when Christians believe in Jesus, the holy spirit enters them.

Can a believer receive the baptism of the holy ghost without being sanctified?

No with out Repentance and Water Baptism in Jesus name you can not Receive the Holy Ghost Acts 2:38

Can you use anything else instead of water for Baptism?

The Rite of Baptism in most Christian churches involves Holy (blessed) Water and Holy (blessed) Water. Some denominations use springs or streams, or even a bathtub filled with water--these are blessed by the clergy just before the Baptism. Full immersion (indoor or outdoor) for adult Baptism is practiced in many denominations; other denominations use a Baptismal font (especially for infant Baptism) or sprinkling of Holy Water on the person's forehead.For example, a disabled child or bedridden adult would not be denied Baptism just because they cannot be dunked or immersed in water. The Rite of Baptism is not to exclude, but to include people into the Family of God.

What happens at a infant baptism?

The babyis blessed by dipping its head in holy water.

Why is holy water used in catholic baptism?

to bless them and to welcome them to Gods place