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Q: My 5 year old has tics. Can the heat bother the tics or make the tics worse?
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Does all ADHD meds make tics worse Hat about Strattera Does it make tics worse do the tics stop when you stop the med?

The most notorious medication to exacerbate tics in patients with ADHD (attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder) are the methylphenidates (ie, Ritalin compounds). Amphetamines (ie, adderall) may also contribute to tics.

What makes tics worse?

Tics can be made worse by stress or fatigue and tend to improve when the individual is absorbed in an activity or task that requires concentration

How do you control your tourrettes?

If you mean Tourette Syndrone, there is no actual way to control it completely. Do NOT focus on tics when they occur, try to keep your mind and body busy. Physical activity, especially sports, seemed to lessen severity of tics. It seemed when muscles were tired, tics slowed down. As for the verbal outbursts, as I get older, they rarely bother me. Tourette Syndrone Association has alot of information available about it.

What causes tics in children?

my 7 year old son taps his hands a lot this seems to be getting worse, now his arm is twitching to, what could it be?

Are tics vocal?

Tics may be motor or vocal

What is the predator of tics?

the mosquito is the tics predator. they get rid of them

Do tics occur in bouts?

Tics usually occur in "bouts" with many tics over a short interval of time

What tics but never tocs?

a broken clock that only tics

Can guinea pigs have tics?

Yes, all mammals can have tics.

How do Complex motor tics appear?

Complex motor tics appear slower and more deliberate than simple motor tics

What are Simple vocal tics?

Simple vocal tics are meaningless sounds or noises

Can Lexapro cause tics?

There have been some people who reported tics or nervousness after using loratadine. However, the complaints were few and the tics disappeared after stopping the medication.