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They will grown back between the time of 5 - 8 years. The fact that they were pulled prematurely does not affect the growth of the tooth.

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Q: My 5 year old son had his two baby top teeth pulled when he was 2 years old.When should his teeth grow back in?
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The childes front teeth come out when they rurn one years old.

Is it normal for a human to have 24 teeth after losing all baby teeth?

In short, no. It depends on your age, by about 12 years old you should have lost all of your deciduous (baby) teeth, and your permanent teeth should all be there by about 17 years old with the exception of your 3rd molar (wisdom teeth) that usually come out between 17-25 years. Most people have 32 permanent teeth including the wisdoms, but some people don't get them leaving them with only 28.

What age should children have all their primary teeth?

5 Years Old

How many teeth should a 12 year child have?

You are supposed to have 24 teeth when you are 12 and while you are 12 your molars will start to grow and then you will have 28. Finally, when you are 18, your wisdom teeth will start to grow. At the age of 21 all your teeth should be in place; that is 32 teeth.

What should you do if you cant afford to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

I had to get all my upper teeth pulled. I put it off for years until they all started to fall out. I applied for a care credit card. It is 0% intrest as long as you don't miss a payment. Plus it is low payments. Look into it.

How many days do you have to wait after getting your wisdom teeth pulled to smoke weed?

Your an idiot for smoking weed at all. And u have to wait 70000yrs