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You better send it to re-hab before it's too late!

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2mo ago

How much water is your hamster drinking daily? Increased water intake can be a sign of underlying health issues such as Diabetes or kidney problems in hamsters. It's best to consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination and diagnosis.

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Q: My Hamster is drinking too much?
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What if your hamster is not drinking and is losing too much weight?

if hamsters stop drinking water , they would probely did , or u can try peach juice but if that doesn't work , then its gonna die !

What to look out for when your hamster is ill?

When a hamster is ill you have to watch out for eating less and drinking less,too much sleep,being less active,sneezing,shaking, vommiting,and wet bottom.Hope this helps.:)

How happens to your hamster in order for it to have a miscarriage?

It could really be anything, too much exercise, not feeding it, not enough exercise, not drinking enough water, other health problems, anything similar to the above answers,really! (P.S. i had a hamster of my own!)

Can you feed bread to a hamster?

Yes, not too much.

What parts of the body are affected by too much drinking?

Too much drinking affects mainly the brain and the liver.

Can a hamster die from exercising too much?

They can die from lack of exercise Buy your hamster an exercise wheel.

Are you allowed to pick up a hamster too much?


You have had your male hamster for a month and you just got a female hamster Will your male hamster be settled in too much to breed?

Do not put a female hamster with an already settled male hamster JUST DON'T

Why isn't your hamster drinking from its water?

Your hamster is probably sick, take it to a vet.

What can a copious amount of food do to a hamster's organs?

Too much food may cause a hamster's organs to "burst."

What are the disadvantages to drinking alcohol?

Too much alcohol can cause death. Drinking and driving can also accidents. Drinking too much may also cause liver damage.

Can you love a hamster too much?

Yes, it is possible to love a hamster too much. Overhandling, excessive attention, and stress can lead to health issues and cause the hamster discomfort. It's important to give them space, respect their boundaries, and provide a balanced level of care.