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The book says that its a chemical reaction that happens in a dogs life so if you are worried dont be its the circle of life every dog wil get it some time in there life

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Q: My boxer has waken up 4 days in a row with hives what could they be from?
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How long does it take for hives that are big and red?

Hives due to an allergic reaction shouldn't last more than 1-3 days. If hives last more than a week it could be due to a more serious condition and you should consult your doctor.

How many days does it take for a horse to get hives?

Depending on the reason the horse gets hives and the sevarity in which the horse reacts, the time in which a horse can get hives can take from acouple min. to acouple hrs (almost never days).

What are the expected results of hives?

Most cases of hives clear up within one to seven days without treatment, provided

Can an allergic reaction to Motrin cause hives that last for days?

Yes it can.

How long after taking antibiotics will hives appear?

I started a round of antibiotics (a "Z" pack) and within 2 hours of taking the first dose, I noticed hives appearing in their usual spots (for me, the face).I ceased taking the meds, but the hives and other side effects stayed with me for more than 7 days.

What is a Charleton Heston film portaying the Boxer Rebellion?

55 Days at Peking

Are hives a symptom of strep throat?

Yes, it Can be in some cases. 2 times my daughter has had strep and in both cases she did not show the classic main symptoms of strep. She only had a horrible case of hives. No sore throat or high fever. Her stomach would feel sick no and then. After 5 days of the hives I brought her in and it was strep.

Who is better Barbara Boxer or Dianne Feinstein?

Sen. Feinstein is the senior Senator from California; she assumed office 60 days before Sen. Boxer.

Who are James buster Douglas parents?

His Father: professional boxer William Douglas (boxer), His Mother: Lula Pearl who died 23 days before the title bout with Tyson.

What are the symptoms of HIVes?

Lot of symptoms are associated with Hives Disease. There is some sort of swelling with hives which appear to be pinkish or red rash and are mainly oval in shape which range from few millimetres in diameter to inches. Swellings may be ringed with red flare and the itching could extreme in some cases. They appear all over and are found commonly in places like face, hands, legs, fingers, toes and feet. Symptoms appear and stay on body for not more than 8-12 hours and can rarely seen for more than a day. In some patients there could be a possibility it could stay for longer like days or even month. Happy to help you.

What is the difference between hives and bed bug bites?

Hives usually go away in 24 hours. Bed bug bites can last days and appear in orderly lines of red bumps. Both are fairly itchy and sometimes hard to determine what is what. If the red bumps dont go away in 3 days i would go to the doctor and see what is going on with your skin.

Who is Josie Harris?

She's the ex-girlfriend of the Floyd Mayweather. She was beaten and tortured by the coward boxer and threatened to death that's why now the boxer was convicted and staying his ass inside the cell for 90 days.